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Rope Halters, Lead Ropes, Long Lines,

Reins, Sticks & Strings, Hackamores,

​ Headstalls, Mecates & More

Slobber Straps  Connectors to use with mecate reins, loop reins or split reins.

Leather in 1-piece and 2-piece styles.  Rope slobber straps made with 1/4" double braid.

Custom Trim Options  Braided knots and trim to add to reins for decoration or to mark specific hand holds, center point, etc.   

Loop Reins with Connectors  A continuous piece of rope with a snap or some type of connector - rope or leather - on both ends for attachment to a bits, side pulls, bitless bridles, etc.   

Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have.

For God has said, "I will never leave you; I will never abandon you."

 Let us be bold, then, and say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.
What can anyone do to me?"

​Hebrews 13:5-6  GNT


I make several types and styles of reins.  Please click on the links below for descriptions, prices, etc.

Reins Options  This page has information on rope diameter and color options plus information on ordering different lengths, styles, etc.

Mecate Reins  One length of rope (usually around 22’ long) that is tied to a bosal or halter - or it can be used with slobber straps - making a loop for your reins and leaving a length as a lead rope. 

Split  Reins / Driving Reins  Two separate pieces of rope for western riding, driving, or ground driving. Many styles and options.   

Loop Reins to Tie On  A continuous piece of rope with both ends tied onto slobber straps for attachment to a bit or both ends tied directly onto a rope halter, bosal, etc.   



13 years

in business!

Y Knot Rope Tack

began in

March, 2007.

Thank you to my many customers for your support and loyalty!


Event Schedule

Midwest Horse Fair

Madison, WI

I will no longer be attending as a vendor

Click here

for full story


We have moved! Check out our new address on the contacts page.


New flag colors:

black, yellow,red,blue,purple


with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26    


​​​​​​​​​​Unique Trim ~ Leather Accessories

Custom Orders