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13 years
in business!
Y Knot Rope Tack
began in
March, 2007.
Thank you to my many customers for your support and loyalty!
Event Schedule
Midwest Horse Fair
Madison, WI
I will no longer be attending as a vendor
for full story
We have moved! Check out our new address on the contacts page.
New flag colors:
black, yellow,red,blue,purple
with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26
Unique Trim ~ Leather Accessories
Custom Orders
Rope Halters, Lead Ropes, Long Lines,
Reins, Sticks & Strings, Hackamores,
Headstalls, Mecates & More
8' Loop Reins with leather buckle straps and brass snaps
A customer ordered the wrong length of reins and she returned these -unused - for a longer set. They are made with 3/4" double braid rope. This very thick and heavy rope was a special order for a trainer and I have used the balance of the spool mostly for reins. Those with arthritis find the thicker diameter easier to hold. The leather buckle straps are 3/4" wide instead of my usual 5/8" width. They can be used with or without the brass snaps. (subtract $3.00 if you do not want the snaps - the reins will be a few inches shorter than 8' without the snaps.)
$48.00 8' loop reins with double heart buckle straps and snaps, 3/4" rope
$38.00 Discount Price
Hackamore Set
I made this set to use up the last of my stock of Samson rope (original supplier of yacht rope for equine industry). It is the "classic" natural hackamore with the reins tied on above the fiador knot, but with separate reins and lead rope (instead of a 1-piece mecate) so you have options. It has not been on a horse. There is nothing wrong with the set - just reducing stock. You cannot use the halter without the reins attached but you can remove the lead rope - or add a snap to it - whenever desired.
(I can send directions for tying on the reins)
Regular Rope Halter
These halters are made with rope from a previous supplier - pink color only. The matching 1/2" rope is gone so I am selling the halters at a discount. There is nothing wrong with the rope or the halters - I have made them to my usual standards. The rope is a double braid with a polypropylene cover and a polyester core. It makes a lightweight, soft halter.
Sizes of halters made up: extra small, small, medium
Lengths cut to make these sizes: mini A, small, medium
Regular price: $20.00 Discount price: $12.00 each
11' Lead Rope
This has a basic button on the halter end and a plain tail end - back spliced and no leather popper. (I can send directions for tying the button end onto a rope halter.) There are a couple very minor flaws in the rope where the braiding machine much have had a hiccup and made the strands cross over. You may feel a small raised place but the performance of the rope is not affected.
25.00 11' lead rope with basic button, plain tail, 1/2" rope
$20.00 Discount Price
Custom Sidepull Set
This was my display sample for a few years at horse fairs, etc. This is the "fancy" version - showing a lot of possible options to customize your tack. I usually had a "plain" version on display as well showing the contrast between economical vs. extravagant. It was worn by a horse on a few short occasions - being led around for a "grand march/fashion show" at the midwest horse fair and to take pictures of the set on my horse. Otherwise, it was on display on a plastic horse head or hanging on a peg in my workshop.
62.00 Bosalter Sidepull Halter, size Medium, soft rope
40.00 Cheek piece trim - medium cowboy knots, small ring knots
38.00 Browband with medium cowboy knot, additional small ring knots
26.00 Pineapple knots braided over crown knots on browband
30.00 9' loop reins with spliced in nickel scissor snaps, 1/2" rope
48.00 Center ring knot and matching cowboy knot and ring knot trim
59.00 10' lead rope with pineapple knot/tassel on halter end,
_____ leather popper on tail end, 1/2" rope
$303.00 Retail Price
noseband braiding and cowboy knots are interweave pattern
$230.00 Discount Price - complete set
Hackamore Set
This was a display set for the midwest horse fair. It has not been on a horse. There is nothing wrong with the set - just no longer need to keep it as a sample. You can untie one end of the reins and use the set as a normal halter/lead or you can remove the reins completely and use the halter with a different lead rope.
(I can send directions for tying on the reins.)
20.00 Regular Halter, size Medium, soft rope
8.00 Chain braid noseband
31.00 11' loop reins with 2-color basic buttons (10' usable length after tie on)
$59.00 Retail Price
$47.00 Discount Price - complete set
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Alamar Knot Browbands
These browbands were samples and I do not make this style anymore. The blue one was part of a bridle set but the buyer did not want the browband. They are made with spaces for a headstall and throatlatch but they could also be used on a halter. They are adjustable - the ring knots on each side will slide to adjust the overall length and the spacing for headstall, halter, etc. Both are sized for medium size horses or smaller.
$33.00 Alamar Knot Browband
$19.50 Discount Price (each) - or make an offer
Stainless Steel Trigger Bull Snaps
The trigger on these snaps does not work properly. When you pull it down to open, it stays open. You can push it up to close, but it does not snap back by itself as it should. It may loosen up the more it is used or a little WD40 may help. It is a functional snap, you just have to close the trigger yourself and on most of the snaps, it only takes a little nudge to get it to snap back. I have about 10 of these.
Regular price when sold separately: $10.00
Discount price: $5.00 each
Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am you God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 NRSV
22.00 Regular Hackamore Halter, size Medium, 1/4" Samson Stable Braid (soft)
30.00 10' loop reins with 2-color basic buttons, 1/2" Samson Stable Braid (approx. 9' usable length after tie on)
32.00 11' lead rope with eye splice on halter end, leather popper on tail, 1/2" Artcraft Braid rope
$84.00 Retail Price
$65.00 Discount Price - complete set
Regular Rope Halter
These halters are made with rope from a previous supplier - black color only. There is nothing wrong with the rope or the halter - it is made to my usual standards. The rope is an accessory cord (not splice-able) with a polyester cover and core. It makes a soft halter.
Size of halter made up: small
Lengths cut to make these sizes: extra small, small, large
Regular price: $20.00 Discount price: $12.00 each
$25.00 8' loop reins with water straps, 1/2" rope
$20.00 Discount Price
8' Loop Reins with leather water straps
There are some minor flaws in the rope - some small snags and loops. These do not affect the performance of the reins and they will probably become less noticeable with use.
Custom Bosalter Set for a Mini Horse
I made this set for the "grand march/fashion show" at the midwest horse fair a few years ago. It was on a mini for maybe an hour total for the two shows. It was a sample to show custom options on mini size tack.
36.00 Bosalter Halter, size Mini A, soft rope
24.00 Cheek piece trim - medium cowboy knots
44.00 6' lead rope with eye splice on halter end,
_____ turkshead knot/tassel on tail end, 1/2" rope
$104.00 Retail Price
noseband braiding and cowboy knots are doubleweave pattern
$78.00 Discount Price - complete set - or make an offer
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22' Long Line with spliced in stainless steel ring
This is made of rope from a previous supplier. It is 1/2" double braid with a polyester cover and core - very similar rope to the Artcraft Braid rope I use. There is nothing wrong with the rope - just reducing my inventory of odds and ends. Prices listed do not include the spring clip - you can add one for $3.00.
45.00 22' long line with spliced in stainless steel ring only
$36.00 Discount Price
9' Loop Reins with leather water straps
The beginning of this spool of black 1/2" rope had a glitch in the braid pattern for the first several feet. If you look at the center of the closeup, you can see that there is an irregularity in the pattern. This makes a tighter place in the braid as it spirals around the rope. You may be able to feel a slight uneven-ness in the rope but it should not affect the performance of the reins. It is consistent over the length of the reins. I made 4 or 5 sets of reins with this rope. I have 2 sets left - I sold the others at a discount at the horse fair. Customers said they would work just fine.
$26.00 9' loop reins with water straps, 1/2" rope
$19.50 Discount Price
5' Saddle Horn Spanker with Kangaroo Lace Pineapple Knot and Tassel instead of leather popper
This is a custom version of one of my standard "motivators". Even though kangaroo lace makes awesome knots, I no longer use it because it is very expensive and the braiding cord has more advantages - exactly matches the rope, less maintenance, etc. You could also attach this spanker to loop reins as a romal or use it as a short lead rope for a show or special event.
$49.00 5' custom saddle horn spanker, 1/2" burgundy rope
$35.00 Discount Price - or make an offer
On this page, I have listed some items that are available for purchase at a discounted price. They may be products made with rope from previous suppliers, sample / display sets that I no longer need to keep on hand, or items that have some minor flaws. I will explain the reason the item is being discounted and show and/or describe any flaws.
For bulk rope spools and/or footage that are on clearance, please go to the About the Rope page.
All products on this page are "as is" with no substitutions. I will list the retail price which the item would normally sell for along with the discounted price. Some items may be listed as "make an offer". Shipping/handling is not included in the retail or discount price. If you see something you like but want a different color, size, length, etc., please visit the other pages for Rope Halters, Lead Ropes, Reins, etc. for information, rope/cord options and trim possibilities.
I manage the website myself and don't have much time to make updates, so some of the items listed may no longer be available but you can always ask.