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Nickel Plated Option 2R
Uses: Lead ropes, long lines
Overall length: 4"
Ring end inside diameter: 1/2" x 1 1/8"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 5/8" x 3/4"
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 5.3 oz
Separate purchase price: $6.00 each
Stainless steel snap is closest to ruler
I use these on my side pull halters, Indian bosal side pull halters, cross under halters and dog collars. They are also part of my quick snap get down rope. I carry a variety of sizes to use for custom items as well.
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The brass ring is thicker
Nickel Plated or Brass Plated
Uses: custom items
Overall length: 2 1/2"
Square end inside diameter: 1/4" x 3/4"
Swivel: No
Snap end inside diameter: 1/2" x 1"
Snap opening: 1/4"+ (when tab is pushed all the way in)
Weight: 1.2 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $1.50 each
Note: The opening on the nickel medium bolt snap ( 1" and 3/4") is not large enough to easily fit around both loops of most rope halters but works fine on the rings of nylon web and leather halters. When using the medium snaps on reins, they do fit on the rings of my bitless bridles and on most bits.
This is a common snap combination used on long lines (considered an "Option 2 snap" when used together). The ring/clip combo is lighter weight than most of the full size lead rope snaps. The clip (carabiner) can also be removed and the line can be used with just the ring. The ring is normally spiced in permanently - no moving parts so it is unlikely to break. The disadvantage of this combo is there is no swivel. But since it is normally used on the longer lines, the circle is bigger when lunging so the rope is less likely to get twisted.
You can choose stainless steel or brass for the 2" ring; I have the spring clip in stainless steel. You can purchase them separately or as a set.
Brass Option 3
Uses: reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 2 3/4"
Ring end inside diameter: 3/4" x 3/4"+
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 3/8"+
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 1.5 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $2.50 each
Brass Bolt Snaps
Stainless Steel Option 3SS
Uses: reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 2 3/4"
Ring end inside diameter: 3/4" x 3/4"+
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 3/8"+
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 1.9 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $4.50 each
Uses: keepers on braided straps
Brass plate: 3/8" x 3/4" & 1/2" x 1"
Nickel plate: 1/2" x 3/4" & 1/2" x 1"
I have a bag of 2000 nickel 1/2" x 3/4" so let me know if you need any!
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Nickel Bolt Snaps
Stainless Steel
Uses: rein connectors, custom items
Sizes: 5/8"
I have detailed descriptions of each item including length, size of ring, snap opening, etc. Where weight is an issue, I include that as well. I group the same types of snaps together (i.e. all the bolt snaps) so you can compare the size, finish, etc. On other pages, I have categorized my snaps into option groups for easier pricing of products so to be consistent, I have labeled the snaps on this page with those same option numbers, if applicable.
As stated earlier, I try to provide high quality materials but I do not guarantee any snap or piece of hardware against breakage, corrosion, etc.
Stainless Steel Option 1
Uses: Lead ropes, long lines
Overall length: 4 1/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 5/8" x 1"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 5/8" x 3/4"
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 5.3 oz
Separate purchase price: $10.00 each
2" Brass Ring
Uses: most commonly used on long lines
Inside diameter: 2"
Outside diameter: 2 1/2"
Swivel: No
Weight: 1.8 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $2.00 each
This snap is the type used by Parelli and other top trainers. Twist the center mechanism to release the snap or lock it closed. It has the capability to be released even while under tension so it is a "panic snap". But unlike other quick release panic snaps, the horse will not be able to get it undone by itself. You generally need two hands to operate this snap.
I will sell this snap separately. It is pricey but it is a high quality snap that is not usually available at your local farm store.
Medium 3/4" Nickel Option 3
Uses: Lead ropes for minis, reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 3 3/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 5/8" x 3/4"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 3/8" x 5/8"
Snap opening: 3/8"
Weight: 1.4 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $2.00 each
Note: The scissor snaps will fit around the loops of a halter made with the 1/4" soft rope or 1/4" stiff cord but may not quite close completely. Will not fit on halters made with the thicker 5/16" cord.
Note: The opening on the brass medium bolt snap ( 1" and 3/4") is not large enough to easily fit around both loops of most rope halters but works fine on the rings of nylon web and leather halters. When using the medium snaps on reins, they do fit on the rings of my bitless bridles and on most bits.
Nickel Plated or Brass Plated Option 2
Uses: Lead ropes, long lines
Overall length: 4 1/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 3/4" x 1 1/8"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 5/8" x 3/4"
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 5.0 oz
Separate purchase price: $5.00 each
Stainless Steel Option 1
Uses: Lead ropes, long lines
Overall length: 4 3/4"
Ring end inside diameter: 1" x 1 1/4"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 5/8" x 1"
Snap opening: 5/8"
Weight: 4.3 oz
Separate purchase price: $10.00 each
All my products can be purchased and used without hardware for those who prefer not to use metal with their horses. But for those who like snaps, I try to provide high quality hardware to use with my rope tack. I make no guarantees against breakage - most hardware will break at some point, which is a good thing in some situations. (Please visit thePoliciespage for more information on guarantees.) If your horse has a history of breaking snaps, they can be attached in such a way that if they do break, they can be easily replaced. That way, your lead rope or reins will still be usable since the rope will outlast any snap. You may alternately choose to have your snap permanently spliced in which makes a slimmer profile.
Bronze vs. Brass. There is a technical difference - bronze is an alloy of copper and tin while brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Other elements are sometimes added in to create different properties. Both terms are used interchangeably in the hardware industry so it is hard to know for sure which one you are getting. Brass and bronze do not rust but they will tarnish (discolor, darken) especially in wet or humid conditions.
Brass plating vs. nickel plating. Both serve as a protective coating for steel and malleable iron products. Brass plating is more expensive to manufacture. Nickel plating is more economical and is the standard coating used on most farm/ranch hardware. Both coatings can wear off over time.
Stainless Steel. An alloy containing chromium which forms a film of chromium oxide that prevents surface corrosion. This coating is strongly bonded to the steel and remains attached to the surface. It is impervious to water and air and quickly reforms when the surface is scratched. Unlike plating, the finish is not subject to flaking, peeling or wearing off.
This type of snap is also used by famous trainers (Clinton Anderson). It is a heavy duty snap that is easy to operate with one hand. The lever (trigger) that sticks out to the side is easy to pull down with the side of your thumb to open the snap - even when wearing gloves. Much easier to operate than the "old style" bull snap of yesteryear without the trigger!
This is a JT International patented design and is a high quality snap. I carry it in three finishes: stainless steel, nickel plated and brass plated. I will sell this snap separately - it is also a snap that is not usually found at your local store.
When a snap is permanently spliced into a rope and the snap breaks, you usually have to cut the snap off the rope and have it respliced with a new snap. This shortens your rope and is usually very costly (shipping back and forth, paying for the new splice and snap, etc.).
Another option is to use a replacement snap. You just have to cut off the old broken snap (bolt cutters usually work) then you can add the replacement snap right into the old eye splice of the rope. Simply undo the screw, insert the bar through the eye of the rope, re-insert and tighten the screw. The other parts of the snap are the same as the regular trigger bull snap. I carry the replacement trigger bull snap in nickel plate - details and pricing below.
Nickel Option 3
Uses: reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 2 5/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 5/8" x 3/4"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 1/2"
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 1.3 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $2.00 each
I had plans to make braided headstalls, throatlatches and lots of other items. Unfortunately, I am too busy to develop most of those new products. I do use these buckles to make the braided tugs for the rope breast collar and a few other items.
Stainless Steel Spring Clip
Uses: with the ring on long lines
Overall length: 3 1/8"
Inside diameter (small end): 1/2"
inside diameter (large end): 7/8"
Swivel: No
Snap Opening: 1/2"
Weight: 2.2 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $3.00 each
Solid Brass or Nickel Plated
Uses: rein connectors, custom items
Sizes: 5/8", 3/4", 1"
Contact me for pricing on the different sizes.
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The reason I have hardware is to attach it to my rope products - I am not in the business of selling hardware. You can find most of the snaps I carry on internet sites - and likely at a better price - but I do offer some snaps and hardware for sale. The separate, per-piece price listed here may be higher than what I allow when figuring the cost of a lead rope or reins with hardware. (As I said, my main reason for having hardware is for adding to my own products - but if you really want something, I will sell it.) If a snap or piece of hardware is available for purchase separately, there will be a price in the description. If there is no price listed, it is not available for separate purchase. If I am running low on a certain snap, I may not be able to sell any until I restock.
This is a very common type of snap - one that is usually found on the lead ropes at your local farm/ranch store. It is easy to operate with one hand. Just pull the little tab down with the end of your thumb - this slides the "bolt" down to open the snap. It might be a little harder to operate when wearing gloves than the trigger bull snap because the tab is small. This is what most people consider a "normal" lead rope snap.
I carry it in three finishes: stainless steel, nickel plated and solid bronze/brass. I use several different sizes of bolt snap, matching the size to the product and use. Prices are marked on the sizes available for purchase.
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways,” declares the Lord.
“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways,
and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9 GW
13 years
in business!
Y Knot Rope Tack
began in
March, 2007.
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with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26
Unique Trim ~ Leather Accessories
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Reins, Sticks & Strings, Hackamores,
Headstalls, Mecates & More
This snap has a smooth flat back and a fixed square eye. It is most often used to connect bits to headstalls. I use them for various items - grab strap, shoulder strap on breast collar, custom items.
Small Brass
Uses: 1/4" rope only - dog leashes, cross under straps
Overall length: 2 7/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 3/8" x 3/8"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 5/16" x 3/8"
Snap opening: 1/4"
Weight: 1.1 oz
Large Brass Option 2
Uses: Lead ropes, long lines
Overall length: 4 5/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 1" x 1 1/4"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 5/8" x 1"
Snap opening: 5/8"
Weight: 5.0 oz
Separate purchase price: $5.00 each
Small Nickel
Uses: 1/4" rope only - dog leashes, cross under straps
Overall length: 3"
Ring end inside diameter: 3/8" x 1/2"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 3/8" x 5/8"
Snap opening: 3/8"
Weight: 0.9oz
This is the snap most often used on reins. It is easy to operate - just pull down on the lever and both sides of the snap end open making it easy to attach to most bits and bitless bridle rings. Some people call this a "lobster clip" or "claw snap" because it opens and closed like a lobster or crab claw. (It is also sometimes called a trigger snap but I do not use that term - don't want to confuse this snap with the trigger bull snap)
I carry the scissor snap in stainless steel, solid brass and nickel plate. If you are getting the snaps spliced in permanently, I would recommend the stainless steel - they are pretty pricey but will not rust or corrode and they are a bit more heavy-duty. If you are getting the snaps attached with connectors (so they will be replaceable), any finish would be appropriate.
Medium 1" Brass Option 3
Uses: Lead ropes for minis, reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 3 1/2"
Ring end inside diameter: 7/8" x 1"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 1/2" x 5/8"
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 2.1 oz
Large Nickel - lightweight Option 2L
Uses: Lead ropes for minis, long lines, anything with weight as as issue. Fits on rope halters
Overall length: 4 1/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 1 1/8" x 1 1/4"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 1/2" x 3/4"
Snap opening: 1/2"
Weight: 2.6 oz
Separate purchase price: $3.00 each
Uses: Lead ropes, long lines
Overall length: 4 1/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 7/8" x 1 1/8"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 7/8" x 7/8"
Snap opening: unlimited
Weight: 6.0 oz
Separate purchase price: $10.00 each
Since I don't have a leather sewing machine, I use these when I need a buckle on leather items. I use them on rein connectors mostly - leather buckle straps, deluxe water straps. I also use them on some custom rope products.
Solid Brass or Nickel Plated
Uses: braided straps, custom items
Sizes: 5/8", 3/4", 1"
Contact me for pricing on the different sizes.
2" Stainless Steel Ring
Uses: most commonly used on long lines
Inside diameter: 2"
Outside diameter: scant 2 1/2"
Swivel: No
Weight: 1.4 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $2.00 each
Medium 1" Nickel Option 3
Uses: Lead ropes for minis, reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 3 5/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 7/8" x 1"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 3/8" x 5/8"
Snap opening: scant 1/2"
Weight: 1.6 oz
Medium 3/4" Brass Option 3
Uses: Lead ropes for minis, reins, dog leashes
Overall length: 3 1/8"
Ring end inside diameter: 5/8" x 3/4"
Swivel: Yes
Snap end inside diameter: 3/8" x 1/2"
Snap opening: 3/8"
Weight: 2.1 oz
Separate Purchase Price: $2.50 each
Solid Brass or
Stainless Steel
Uses: bitless bridles, custom items
Inside diameter: 1", 3/4"
other sizes for custom items
brass rings are thicker