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Y Knot Rope Tack

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​​​​​​​​​​Unique Trim ~ Leather Accessories

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2-bite knot on 1/4" rope

Cowboy Knots for 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" rope

2-bite knot on 1/2" rope

Doubleweave Pattern (DW)

on 1/2" rope

Attachment   As discussed on the main About the Custom Trim page, knots can either be permanently attached to the rope or braided as sliders so they will move.  Cowboy knots can be attached either way.  If you want them to mark specific places on your reins or lead rope, I will attached them permanently at the correct spot.  Since these are longer knots, please tell me if you want the knot centered at the spot or one edge of the knot at the spot. If they are more for decoration, I may braid them as sliders so I can position them between other knots easier, etc. Cowboy knots do not work well for knots that will constantly be moved though - other knots are better suited for that.  On halter cheek pieces, I make them as sliders - it is easier to get them centered or spaced evenly after I braid them.

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Photo Gallery of products with cowboy knots      

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As stated earlier, the regular cowboy knot is not quite the right size for the 5/8" rope - the weave is too open so it can't be secured very well.  A better cowboy knot for the thicker rope is the 3-bite Cowboy Knot.  As the name implies, it has 3 bites instead of 2 making the diameter bigger to better fit the 5/8" rope.  The construction is a bit different from the 2-bite cowboy knot so I can only make this knot in one length - making it longer is not as simple as adding more wraps when I start.  This is a more complicated knot. I can also make this knot on 1/2" rope - it will have a more solid, tighter weave than the regular cowboy knot. The tripled cowboy knot described above is another option for the 5/8" rope but the 3-bite knot is the best one for the diameter.

The same patterns, colors, attachment options are all available with the 3-bite cowboy knot.  The only exception is that I make this knot in doubleweave or interweave pattern only (not the triple).

3-Bite Cowboy Knot - Interweave (IW)

on 5/8" rope

Triple Pattern (DW3)

on 5/8" rope

3-Bite Cowboy Knot - Doubleweave (DW)

on 5/8" rope

​​​Pattern  I make cowboy knots  "doubled" - meaning I make the skeleton knot first (the main structure) with one strand, then go around the knot again with a second strand.  I can also follow around for a third time, but that is not how I normally make this knot. A single strand cowboy knot can be appropriate on the 1/4" rope but it is not sized right and cannot be secured very well on larger diameter ropes.  Unless you ask for something different, all cowboy knots will be braided with 2 strands of braiding cord.

I can make different patterns in the knot depending on how I braid the second strand:

  • Doubleweave Pattern (DW)  I simply thread the second strand through the knot beside the first strand - "following" it around the knot on the second pass.  Choose 1 or 2 colors.
  • Interweave Pattern (IW)  I interweave the second strand with the first strand - which means going over a cord with the second strand when the first strand went under that cord. This is more complicated but it creates a very interesting pattern. (It actually matches the pattern of the pineapple knot if you want to incorporate both kinds of knots on your tack.) Because it takes more skill and usually more time, cowboy knots in the interweave pattern will cost a bit more.  Choose 2 colors.
  • Triple Pattern or Doubleweave 3 (DW3)  Possible if you have to have 3 colors. This is a doubleweave knot - I can not do an interweave pattern with the triple knot. Since this knot also takes more time for the third pass, it will cost quite a bit more - especially for the longer knots.  Choose 3 colors.

Cowboy Knot Braid on Nosebands

Size  The Cowboy Knot is actually a type of turkshead knot.  Turkshead knots can be braided in various sizes and/or lengths to fit the diameter of the rope they are braided onto.  They are made up of "parts" and "bites".  The number of parts determines how long the knot will be (length); the number of bites determines how big around it is (diameter).  The length and diameter of most turkshead knots are usually linked together.  When you increase one dimension, the other increases also.

The Cowboy knot is constructed a little differently - I can make the length longer but the diameter stays the same. The cowboy knot I use most often has 2 bites (determines diameter) but I can change the number of parts (determines length) to make them longer or shorter.  Since the diameter of the knot does not change - the appearance will be different on the various diameters of rope.  The knot will have a tighter weave on 1/4" and 3/8" rope  - solid braid, no space between the braided strands.  It will be more open on 1/2" rope - may be some space between braided strands so the rope below could show through in places.  (The regular 2-bite cowboy knot is not suitable for 5/8" rope but I have an option for that farther down the page.)

Interweave pattern (IW)

on stiff 1/4" halter cord

also shows matching tie end button

I can determine how long the knot is by adding or subtracting parts. The number of times I wrap the braiding cord around the rope when I start the knot determines how many parts the knot has and therefore the length. The actual length measurement will be determined by the size of rope the knot is braided onto.

Small (2 parts), medium (4 parts), and long (6 parts) knots are shown below on 1/4" rope (halter cheek piece)

Interweave pattern (IW)

on stiff 1/4" halter cord

smaller knots braided between the tied in knots using the braiding cord without the core

Doubleweave pattern (DW)

on soft 1/4" rope

​​Colors  The pattern will show up differently depending on the colors you choose.  Two darker colors - black and brown, hunter green and burgundy - will be more subtle.  A lighter color with a darker color will create the most contrast or 2 bright colors will show off the details very well. If you want a solid color knot, it will be braided in the doubleweave pattern.  

Cowboy Knots for 5/8" rope

Interweave Pattern (IW)

on 1/2" rope

Better to be poor and honest
    than to be dishonest and rich.

​Proverbs 28:6  NLT

A stubborn fool considers his own way the right one,
    but a person who listens to advice is wise.

​Proverbs 12:15  GW

The braiding across the top of the noseband on halters is actually a very long Cowboy Knot. This creates a bosal-type nose piece on a halter - thus the name "bosalters" - a combination of a bosal and a halter.   

The construction and options are the same as the cowboy knot described above:

  • it has the same 2-bite construction but I can vary the number of parts to fit the size of the noseband
  • I normally use the braiding cord with the core which makes a firm braid that stiffens the noseband but is still flexible.  I can use the cord without the core when you want a braided noseband on an extra knots halter - I make smaller braided knots between the tied in halter knots.  This makes the braiding less prominent so it won't negate the affect of the tied in extra knots.
  • you can choose the pattern - Doubleweave or Interweave.  I have had a couple orders that I made the triple pattern using 3 colors of braiding cord - a very custom (and expensive) option
  • you can choose 1 or 2 colors - 2 contrasting colors show the details of the knot better
  • the noseband braiding is not attached to the halter but is braided on very tightly.  I bury the ends of the braiding cord under the knot and melt the ends.

I can put the cowboy knot braiding on halters made with the soft rope or the stiff cord.  I don't recommend braiding on halters made with the thicker 5/16" halter cord but I can do it if you want - it will be very bulky.  

On the soft rope, the braiding is functional and decorative - it stiffens the noseband.  On the stiff cord, the braiding is more for decoration since the noseband is already stiff.

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Other factors in determining the size of the cowboy knot is whether I leave the core in the braiding cord and how many braiding strands I use

Without the Core An advantage of having a braiding cord with a core is that I can use it with or without the core to create different effects.  This is great for some braided trim but cowboy knots on halter cheek pieces and on reins and lead ropes work best when braided without the core in the cord. When the core in intact, it is too bulky for halters and with only having 2 parts, it makes the weave too loose and hard to secure on reins and leads. 

Two strands  The best option is braiding with 2 strands. Using only 1 strand can be appropriate on 1/4" rope but on bigger diameter rope, it is not sized right and cannot be secured very well.  Three strands are possible on the larger diameter rope but would make the knots too bulky on 1/4" rope.  2 strands will show off the braiding pattern best - that is how I will braid cowboy knots unless you ask for something different.

For pricing - go to individual product - custom trim pages

Halter Custom Trim      Reins Custom Trim     Lead Rope Custom Trim

Doubleweave pattern (DW)

on stiff 1/4" halter cord

smaller knots braided between the tied in knots using the braiding cord without the core

Photo Gallery of Bosalters      

click on pictures to enlarge